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How Learning Animal Communication Techniques Can Help You to Support an Animal with a Fear of Fireworks

animal anxiety animal communication animal communication classes fear of fireworks fireworks Oct 05, 2024
Two white and brown dogs hiding under blanket

One of my big passions and an area that I specialise in, is helping animal parents with their anxious animals. I've been called to support so many fearful animals over the years, from those experiencing separation anxiety and fear of loud noises, to traumatised rescue animals.

Each year I devote time during the autumn months to focus on supporting animals who are frightened by fireworks. I arrange dates to offer free healing to those animals who are in need of some extra support and I have a free booklet download with helpful holistic tips to help prepare your animal for firework season.

I've also learned over a lifetime of talking to animals, that animal communication can be a key ingredient in helping animals to feel calmer, happier, more secure and less anxious.

Starting to use animal communication techniques in the autumn or prior to other popular times for fireworks, can be very helpful in reducing the overall impact of fireworks on your animal. Put simply, the calmer your animal is in advance of fireworks happening, the calmer they will often be while fireworks are happening.

I've wanted to bring animal guardians a really helpful toolkit of simple exercises to use with their anxious animals for a long time and I'm so happy that the time is finally here! I’ve created an online class called Easy Animal Communication for Anxious Animals, which brings together a wealth of experience and condenses it into 5 easy to implement, bite sized lessons that can be fitted into even a very busy lifestyle.

The class is suitable for animals made anxious by fireworks, because the goal is to introduce more calmness into your animal’s daily life. Even if your animal is normally fairly chilled out in every day life and is only anxious when they hear fireworks, it can really help to put in the groundwork of going through the exercises to introduce additional calmness prior to firework season.

When an animal is more rested and generally calmer, they respond more easily to calming prompts when the sounds and flashes of fireworks are experienced. You can revisit the exercises on the nights when fireworks are going off too. Adding the exercises into your daily routine with your animal, before fireworks are likely to be going off, is a great way to see positive change at Halloween or Bonfire Night.

It's so awful when our animals are distressed. I hope that the support offered can help to ease the suffering and make life more comfortable for our animal friends.

If your animal is affected by fireworks please visit my dedicated Fireworks page to sign up for your animal to receive free healing and to download your free Fireworks booklet.

If you are interested in “Easy Animal Communication for Anxious Animals”, you can find out more here or please book in for a free discovery call chat to find out if this is a good fit for you and your animal.

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